Hands-On Game Development with WebAssembly

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Make your WebAssembly journey fun while making a game with itKey FeaturesCreate a WebAssembly game that implements sprites, animations, physics, particle systems, and other game development fundamentalsGet to grips with advanced game mechanics in WebAssemblyLearn to use WebAssembly and WebGL to render to the HTML5 canvas elementBook DescriptionWithin the next few years, WebAssembly will change the web as we know it. It promises a world where you can write an application for the web in any language, and compile it for native platforms as well as the web.This book is designed to introduce web developers and game developers to the world of WebAssembly by walking through the development of a retro arcade game. You will learn how to build a WebAssembly application using C++, Emscripten, JavaScript, WebGL, SDL, and HTML5.This book covers a lot of ground in both game development and web application development. When creating a game or...

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Hands-On Game Development with WebAssembly
