Secret Warriors: The Spies, Scientists and Code Breakers of World War I

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A startling and vivid account of World War I that uncovers how wartime code-breaking, aeronautics, and scientific research that laid the foundation for much of the innovations of the twentieth century. World War I is often viewed as a war fought by armies of millions living and fighting in trenches, aided by brutal machinery that cost the lives of many. But behind all of this an intellectual war was also being fought between engineers, chemists, code-breakers, physicists, doctors, mathematicians, and intelligence gatherers. This hidden war was to make a positive and lasting contribution to how war was conducted on land, at sea, and in the air, and most importantly, life at home. Secret Warriors provides an invaluable and fresh history of the World War I, profiling a number of the key incidents and figures which lead to great leaps forward for the twentieth century. Told in a lively and colorful narrative style, Secret Warriors reveals the unknown side of this tragic conflict. 16 pages of B&W illustrations

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Secret Warriors Spies Scientists Code Breakers World War


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Secret Warriors: The Spies, Scientists and Code Breakers of World War I
