The Emergent Approach to Strategy: Adaptive Design & Execution

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Despite how much is written about strategy, and money spent on it, reports of chronic failures persist. Two causes dominate. Strategy is still not fully defined and strategy practice is still largely based on a planned view of the world. Change and innovation, however, are not wholly planned but emerge from the myriad interactions of the players involved--some by design, many not. This science of complex adaptive systems must provide the bedrock on which strategy is built. The Emergent Approach to Strategy is the first book to derive the definition, theory, and practice of strategy from adaptive systems. Aimed at corporate business and functional leaders, but broadly applicable, the approach includes an agile method for strategy framework design that replaces familiar stepwise "chevron" methods and presents new tests of strategy called the Five Disqualifiers. This book offers no promise of easy "transformations." Change and innovation are hard, sometimes ugly, with no guarantees. But with the right principles and discipline, organizations can efficiently raise the probability of success.

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Emergent Approach Strategy Adaptive Design Execution


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The Emergent Approach to Strategy: Adaptive Design & Execution
