Every Frame a Rembrandt Art and Practic

该资源由用户: 雨巷少年访旋 上传  举报不良内容

This book examines the art and craft of motion picture photography through a veteran professional cinematographer`s personal experiences on five major motion pictures, each selected to illustrate a particular series of challenges for the photographer. "Every Frame a Rembrandt" is an expression heard on sound stages and locations the world over. While in most cases the expression is used lightly and not infrequently with a certain amount of sarcasm, its true meaning speaks highly of most cinematographers` commitment to producing the best, most interesting, unusual and memorable images for the screen. Through the five films he selected for this book Laszlo is able to show the broad range of complexity in motion picture photography, from the relatively simple "point and shoot" in the typcal western to complex in-camera effects. In recounting his "war stories" Laszlo is able to show the day to day activities of a cinematographer before, during and after filming the project, discussing equipment, film stocks, testing, labs, unions, agents, budget requirements, and working with the director and producer. The five films discussed are Southern Comfort, The Warriors, Rambo: First Blood, Streets of Fire, and Innerspace. The book is illustrated throughout with production stills from Laszlo`s extensive collection (12 in a color insert). The "war stories" of a seasoned Hollywood professional cinematographerExplains how specific problems and challenges were overcome for each filmIllustrated with production stills from the author`s personal collection

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Every Frame Rembrandt Art Practic


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Every Frame a Rembrandt Art and Practic
